Wipe It, Wipe It, Wipe It Again . . .

If you were driving your car in a rainstorm, wouldn’t it be absurd to think that you only had to wipe your windshield once? If you only wiped your windshield one time, your windshield would be perfectly clear and your vision unencumbered … that one single wipe would prevent any future raindrops from landing on the glass. We can laugh at this logic because it is completely ridiculous. Anyone who has driven in the rain knows that the wipers need to be continuously at work or we won’t be able to see clearly and drive safely. Wiping our windshields is not a one time thing but rather a constant action. 

Just as wiping the windshield of our car during the rain is a repeated action, so too is repentance in the Christian walk. From the time of our redemption to the time of our eternal home going, we are on a journey and that journey is plagued with temptations and sin. Sometimes we lose our temper, we do things we should not do, etc. Whenever we sin, and we do so each and every day, we need to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. This is a continual practice in our refinement process. If we liken our Christian walk to driving in the rain, just as we need to constantly wipe our windshield, we need to continually repent and press on. When we do, we will be able to get rid of that which hinders and holds us back, and continue pressing on and moving forward in our Christian walk. 

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